Santiago.R, Birge Ken Tok
#import fundamental libraries
import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.constants as const
from IPython.display import IFrame
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import iminuit
import time
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:90% !important; }</style>"))
###Function to read in events from the ASCII data files
def read_events(fname):
muon_max = 0
#loop over the file on a line by line basis
for line in open(fname):
# If the line starts with a "#" it's a comment.
# If the line has 1 entry it contains only the number of particles in the following event.
# Information in this line is not saved but used to define the event structures
if len(line.split())==1:
#initialize counter of particles and event content
#initialize event variables
#when there are more entries then it's a particle. the information about its momentum and mass are saved in a
#structured array. another couple of variables are also added
if len(line.split())!=1 and count<number_of_particles:
# Structure containing the information about each particle within the event
line_content=np.zeros(1, dtype = [('px','float64'),('py', 'float64'),('pz', 'float64'), # Momentum components
('m', 'float64'), # Particle mass
('p', 'float64'), # Total momentum
('e', 'float64'), # Total energy
('pt', 'float64'),('et', 'float64'), # Transverse momentum and energy
('ez', 'float64')]) # Longitudinal energy
event_var=np.zeros(1, dtype = [('n_el','float64'), # Number of EM particles
('n_mu','float64'), # Number of muons
('n_had','float64'), # Number of hadrons
('n_part','float64'), # Number of particles total
('max_pt','float64'),# Maximum particle transverse momentum
('muon_max','float64') # most energetic muon REMOVE!
# Copy across the particle information from the line read in
num, px, py, pz, m = [float(item) for item in line.split()]
# Copy everything into our particle information structure
line_content['px'] = px
line_content['py'] = py
line_content['pz'] = pz
line_content['m'] = m
line_content['p']=math.sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz)
line_content['pt']=math.sqrt(px * px + py * py)
line_content['e']=math.sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz)
line_content['et']=math.sqrt(px * px + py * py)
line_content['ez']=math.sqrt(pz * pz)
if abs(abs(line_content['m'][0])-0.106)<0.001: # This is a muon
if line_content['e'] > muon_max: # REMOVE
muon_max = line_content['e']
elif abs(abs(line_content['m'][0])-0.000)<0.001: n_el+=1 # Photon (based on mass)
elif abs(abs(line_content['m'][0])-0.140)<0.001: n_had+=1 # Hadron (based on mass)
if line_content['pt'][0]>max_pt: max_pt=line_content['pt'][0]
if count==number_of_particles-1:
event_var['muon_max']=muon_max #REMOVE
return np.array(file_content), particle_content
The selected hadronic events are chosen based on two criteria;
#Function for the total calorimetric energy
def vis_energy(data_particles):
list_vis_energy = []
for i in range(len(data_particles)):
vis_energy = 0
for j in range(len(data_particles[i][:])):
vis_energy += np.sqrt(data_particles[i][j]["px"]**2+data_particles[i][j]["py"]**2+data_particles[i][j]["pz"]**2)
vis_energy_array = np.array(list_vis_energy)
return vis_energy_array
#Function for the perpendicular energy
def perp_energy(data_particles):
list_perpendicular_energy = []
for i in range(len(data_particles)):
perpendicular_energy = 0
px_n = 0
py_n = 0
for j in range(len(data_particles[i][:])):
px_n += data_particles[i][j]["px"]
py_n += data_particles[i][j]["py"]
perpendicular_energy = np.sqrt(px_n**2+py_n**2)
perpendicular_energy_array = np.array(list_perpendicular_energy)
return perpendicular_energy_array
#Function for the parallel energy
def parallel_energy(data_particles):
list_parallel_energy = []
for i in range(len(data_particles)):
parallel_energy = 0
for j in range(len(data_particles[i][:])):
parallel_energy += data_particles[i][j]["pz"]
parallel_energy_array = np.array(list_parallel_energy)
return parallel_energy_array
# here we can define the cuts to make to select hadron or muon events
def make_hadron_selection(event_properties, event_particles, sqrt_s):
#define the cuts by the above criteria
part_cut = event_properties[:]["n_part"] >= 15 #Take Hadrons EDIT
criteria_cut_1_upperlim = vis_energy(event_particles)/sqrt_s < 1.5
criteria_cut_1_lowerlim = vis_energy(event_particles)/sqrt_s > 0.5
criteria_cut_2 = perp_energy(event_particles)/vis_energy(event_particles) < 0.5
criteria_cut_3 = parallel_energy(event_particles)/vis_energy(event_particles) < 0.6
# Then look for events where all cuts are passed
selection = np.all((part_cut,criteria_cut_1_lowerlim, criteria_cut_1_upperlim,criteria_cut_2, criteria_cut_3), axis=0)
return selection.ravel()# Ravel to make sure output is flat
hadrons_mc_properties, hadrons_mc_particles = read_events('hadrons.dat')
selection = make_hadron_selection(hadrons_mc_properties, hadrons_mc_particles , 91.2)
count = np.count_nonzero(selection)
For the selected muon events, the criteria are somewhat different than for hadronic events. First, as according to Chapter 5 PPE 93, the muon event must be within the angular range
$0<|cos(\Theta)|<0.8$ with $cos(\Theta) = \frac{p_z}{\sqrt{p_x^2+p_y^2+p_z^2}}$
Then, their energy in the form of their momentum $E_{mu} \approx \sqrt{p_{xi}^2+p_{yi}^2+p_{zi}^2}$ should be roughly $1/2\sqrt{s}$ since most of the beam energy is conserved and thus
$40GeV \leq E_{mu} \approx \sqrt{p_{xi}^2+p_{yi}^2+p_{zi}^2} \leq 50GeV$
with the total impulse of both muons lying below 5GeV since their opposite directions would make their total impulse add up to 0.
$p_{tot} = \sqrt{\vec{p_{\mu}}+\vec{p_{\overline{\mu}}}} \leq 5GeV$
#First, a function is defined that calculates the cosine of the angle theta for events within the 40-50GeV threshold. For events outside it, a value of 0 is returned,
#i.e. the output must be 0 < cos(theta) < 0.8 for the muonic event to be selected
def cos_theta(data_particles):
list_cos_theta = []
for i in range(len(data_particles)):
cos_theta = 0
for j in range(len(data_particles[i][:])):
if 40<= np.sqrt(data_particles[i][j]["px"]**2+data_particles[i][j]["py"]**2+data_particles[i][j]["pz"]**2) <= 50:
cos_theta = np.abs(data_particles[i][j]["pz"]/np.sqrt(data_particles[i][j]["px"]**2+data_particles[i][j]["py"]**2+data_particles[i][j]["pz"]**2))
cos_theta_array = np.array(list_cos_theta)
return cos_theta_array
#Next, a function is defined for the total impulse of the muon pairs
def p_tot(data_particles):
list_p_tot = []
for i in range(len(data_particles)):
p_tot = np.zeros(3)
p1 = np.zeros(3)
p2 = np.zeros(3)
for j in range(len(data_particles[i][:])):
if 40<= np.sqrt(data_particles[i][j]["px"]**2+data_particles[i][j]["py"]**2+data_particles[i][j]["pz"]**2) <= 50:
p1 = np.array([data_particles[i][j]["px"][0],data_particles[i][j]["py"][0],data_particles[i][j]["pz"][0]])
for k in range(1,len(data_particles[i][j+1:])+1):
if 40<= np.sqrt(data_particles[i][k+j]["px"]**2+data_particles[i][k+j]["py"]**2+data_particles[i][k+j]["pz"]**2) <= 50:
p2 = np.array([data_particles[i][k+j]["px"][0],data_particles[i][k+j]["py"][0],data_particles[i][k+j]["pz"][0]])
p_tot = p1+p2
p_tot_abs = np.sqrt(p_tot[0]**2+p_tot[1]**2+p_tot[2]**2)
p_tot_array = np.array(list_p_tot)
return p_tot_array
def make_muon_selection(event_properties, event_particles):
#Particle cuts
part_cut = event_properties[:]["n_part"] >= 1
part_cut_2 = event_properties[:]["n_part"] < 10
part_cut_mu = event_properties[:]["n_mu"] >= 2
#Muon cuts
angle_cut_upperlim = cos_theta(event_particles) < 0.8
angle_cut_lowerlim = cos_theta(event_particles) > 0
impulse_cut_upperlim = p_tot(event_particles) < 10 #für mehr Muone Ereignisse kann man gerne diesen Wert auf 10GeV setzen
impulse_cut_lowerlim = p_tot(event_particles) > 0
selection = np.all((np.transpose(part_cut)[0], np.transpose(part_cut_2)[0], np.transpose(part_cut_mu)[0], angle_cut_upperlim, angle_cut_lowerlim, impulse_cut_upperlim, impulse_cut_lowerlim), axis=0)
return selection.ravel()
input_data_file = "./89gev.dat" # first define which energy range data we want to read in
# Then we get our data from the input file
data_events, data_particles = read_events(input_data_file)
data_muon_selection = make_muon_selection(data_events,data_particles)
[False False False ... False False False]
input_data_file = "./89gev.dat" # first define which energy range data we want to read in
# Then we get our data from the input file
data_events, data_particles = read_events(input_data_file)
#we retrieve the muon and hadron MC data
muon_mc_events, muon_mc_particles =read_events("muons.dat")
hadron_mc_events, hadron_mc_particles =read_events("hadrons.dat")
data_var = []
print(len(data_events), "events in data, ", len(muon_mc_events), "muon MC events, ", len(hadron_mc_events),"hadron MC events")
10000 events in data, 9969 muon MC events, 10000 hadron MC events
variable = "n_part" # The name of the variable we want to plot
xmin, xmax, nbins = 0., 50, 51 # And the binning of the histogram we want to make (min, max, number of bins)
binning_type = "linear" # And whether we want log or linear binning
# Define the figure we want to draw
figure, ((ax1, ax2, ax3)) = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18,5.5))
# Make selections on data and store a bool of those passing
data_hadron_selection = make_hadron_selection(data_events,data_particles,89.48)
data_muon_selection = make_muon_selection(data_events,data_particles)
# Do same for MC muons
muon_mc_hadron_selection = make_hadron_selection(muon_mc_events,muon_mc_particles,91.2)
muon_mc_muon_selection = make_muon_selection(muon_mc_events,muon_mc_particles)
# and MC hadrons
hadron_mc_hadron_selection = make_hadron_selection(hadron_mc_events,hadron_mc_particles,91.2)
hadron_mc_muon_selection = make_muon_selection(hadron_mc_events,hadron_mc_particles)
# Define the bins for our histogram as an array of the bin boundaries
if binning_type is "log":
bins = np.logspace(np.log10(xmin),np.log10(xmax), nbins)
bins = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nbins)
# The first histogram we make is our data events vs the MC muon and hadron events with no cuts made
# When comparing histograms we weight MC so that integral is same as data
weight_muon = len(data_events) / len(muon_mc_events)
weight_hadron = len(data_events) / len(hadron_mc_events)
ax1.hist(data_events[:][variable], bins=bins, alpha=0.5, label="data")
ax1.hist(muon_mc_events[:][variable], bins=bins, alpha=0.5, label="MC muons")
ax1.hist(hadron_mc_events[:][variable], bins=bins, alpha=0.5, label="MC hadrons")
ax1.set_ylabel("Number of events", weight="bold")
ax1.set_xlabel(variable, weight="bold")
ax1.title.set_text("No cuts")
# Next we make the same plot for events passing hadron cuts
weight_muon = np.ones(np.sum(muon_mc_hadron_selection)) * \
(np.sum(data_hadron_selection) / np.sum(muon_mc_hadron_selection))
weight_hadron = np.ones(np.sum(hadron_mc_hadron_selection)) * \
(np.sum(data_hadron_selection) / np.sum(hadron_mc_hadron_selection))
ax2.hist(data_events[data_hadron_selection][variable], bins=bins, alpha=0.5, label="data")
ax2.hist(muon_mc_events[muon_mc_hadron_selection][variable], weights=weight_muon,
bins=bins, alpha=0.5, label="MC muons")
ax2.hist(hadron_mc_events[hadron_mc_hadron_selection][variable], weights=weight_hadron,
bins=bins, alpha=0.5, label="MC hadrons")
ax2.set_ylabel("Number of events", weight="bold")
ax2.set_xlabel(variable, weight="bold")
ax2.title.set_text("Hadron cut")
# And finally for events passing muon cuts
weight_muon = np.ones(np.sum(muon_mc_muon_selection)) * \
(np.sum(data_muon_selection) / np.sum(muon_mc_muon_selection))
weight_hadron = np.ones(np.sum(hadron_mc_muon_selection)) * \
(np.sum(data_muon_selection) / np.sum(hadron_mc_muon_selection))
ax3.hist(data_events[data_muon_selection][variable], bins=bins, alpha=0.5, label="data")
ax3.hist(muon_mc_events[muon_mc_muon_selection][variable], weights=weight_muon,
bins=bins, alpha=0.5, label="MC muons")
ax3.hist(hadron_mc_events[hadron_mc_muon_selection][variable], weights=weight_hadron,
bins=bins, alpha=0.5, label="MC hadrons")
ax3.title.set_text("Muon cut")
ax3.set_ylabel("Number of events", weight="bold")
ax3.set_xlabel(variable, weight="bold")
/home/santi/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in long_scalars /home/santi/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in long_scalars
Text(0.5, 0, 'n_part')
#Calculate the cross section for hadrons
# N_actual - N_BKG N_cutMC
# sigma = -------------------- epsilon = ---------
# L epsilon N_totMC
def get_epsilon(err_n):
# Load MC data and select events
data_MC_hadron_events, data_MC_hadron_particles = read_events("./hadrons.dat")
data_MC_hadron_selection = make_hadron_selection(data_MC_hadron_events,data_MC_hadron_particles,91.2)
data_MC_muon_events, data_MC_muon_particles = read_events("./muons.dat")
data_MC_muon_selection = make_muon_selection(data_MC_muon_events,data_MC_muon_particles)
count = np.count_nonzero(data_MC_hadron_selection)
epsilon_hadron = count/len(data_MC_hadron_events)
err_hadron = err_n[0]/len(data_MC_hadron_events)
count = np.count_nonzero(data_MC_muon_selection)
epsilon_mu = count/len(data_MC_muon_events)
err_mu = err_n[1]/len(data_MC_muon_events)
print("Epsilon_hadron =", epsilon_hadron, "+-", err_hadron)
print("Epsilon_mu =", epsilon_mu, "+-", err_mu)
return [epsilon_hadron,err_hadron], [epsilon_mu,err_mu]
def get_crossec_err_standard(n_prime,n_b,epsilon,L):
sum1 = n_prime[1]/(epsilon[0]*L[0])
sum2 = n_b[1]/(epsilon[0]*L[0]) # err noise = 0
sum3 = (n_prime[0]-n_b[0])*epsilon[1]/(epsilon[0]**2*L[0]) # err epsilon = 0
sum4 = n_b[0]*L[1]/(epsilon[0]*L)
err = np.sqrt(sum1**2+sum4**2)
return err
def get_crossec_err(n_prime,epsilon,L): # n_b = 0
sum1 = n_prime[1]/(epsilon[0]*L[0])
sum2 = (n_prime[0])*epsilon[1]/(epsilon[0]**2*L[0]) # err epsilon = 0 NEEDS EDIT! GET EPSILON ERR
sum3 = L[1]/(epsilon[0]*L[0])
err = np.sqrt(sum1**2+sum2**2+sum3**2)
return err
def crossec(input_data_file,integrated_luminosity,sqrt_s,est_noise,epsilons,err_n):
# Load data and select Events
data_events, data_particles = read_events(input_data_file)
data_hadron_selection = make_hadron_selection(data_events,data_particles,sqrt_s)
data_muon_selection = make_muon_selection(data_events,data_particles)
N_hadron = np.count_nonzero(data_hadron_selection)
N_mu = np.count_nonzero(data_muon_selection)
print(N_hadron, N_mu)
epsilon_hadron, epsilon_mu = epsilons
sigma_hadron = (N_hadron-est_noise[0][0])/(integrated_luminosity*epsilon_hadron[0])
err_sigma_hadron = get_crossec_err([N_hadron,err_n[0]],epsilon_hadron,[integrated_luminosity,integrated_luminosity*0.01])
sigma_mu = (N_mu-est_noise[1][0])/(integrated_luminosity*epsilon_mu[0])
err_sigma_mu = get_crossec_err([N_mu,err_n[1]],epsilon_mu,[integrated_luminosity,integrated_luminosity*0.01])
print("Sigma_hadron =", sigma_hadron, "+-", err_sigma_hadron)
print("Sigma_mu =", sigma_mu, "+-", err_sigma_mu)
return [sigma_hadron,err_sigma_hadron], [sigma_mu,err_sigma_mu]
err_n = [25,7]
epsilon_hadron, epsilon_mu = get_epsilon(err_n)
epsilons = [epsilon_hadron, epsilon_mu]
Epsilon_hadron = 0.9911 +- 0.0025 Epsilon_mu = 0.461129501454509 +- 0.0007021767479185475
input_data_file = './89gev.dat'
integrated_luminosity = 179.3
sqrt_s = 89.48
est_noise = [[0,0] ,[0,0]] #placeholder. If modified, modify crossec() and err_crossec()
sigma_hadron_89, sigma_mu_89 = crossec(input_data_file,integrated_luminosity,sqrt_s,est_noise,epsilons,err_n)
1786 33 Sigma_hadron = 10.050407916570135 +- 0.1433048267468306 Sigma_mu = 0.39912666436232747 +- 0.08739856796811876
input_data_file = './91gev.dat'
integrated_luminosity = 135.9
sqrt_s = 91.33
est_noise = [[0,0] ,[0,0]] #placeholder. If modified, modify crossec() and err_crossec()
sigma_hadron_91, sigma_mu_91 = crossec(input_data_file,integrated_luminosity,sqrt_s,est_noise,epsilons,err_n)
3991 74 Sigma_hadron = 29.630896732204327 +- 0.20034864721187676 Sigma_mu = 1.1808353754079948 +- 0.11380045877257187
input_data_file = './93gev.dat'
integrated_luminosity = 151
sqrt_s = 93.02
est_noise = [[0,0] ,[0,0]] #placeholder. If modified, modify crossec() and err_crossec()
sigma_hadron_93, sigma_mu_93 = crossec(input_data_file,integrated_luminosity,sqrt_s,est_noise,epsilons,err_n)
2131 32 Sigma_hadron = 14.239312664168049 +- 0.17116509807975122 Sigma_mu = 0.45956836232094933 +- 0.10284534295546764
from scipy.integrate import quad
#definition of stuff you don't really need to look into, here we define the functions for the convolution between the
#breit-wigner and the gaussian
def radcorr(z,s):
me2 = 0.0000002611200
alphpi = 0.0023228196
zeta2 = 1.644934
cons1 = -2.16487
cons2 = 9.8406
cons3 = -6.26
fac2 = 1.083
l = math.log(s/me2)
beta = 2.*alphpi*(l-1.)
del1vs = alphpi*((3./2.)*l+2.*zeta2-2.)
del2vs = pow(alphpi,2.)*(cons1*pow(l,2.)+cons2*l+cons3)
delvs = 1.+del1vs+del2vs
del1h = -alphpi*(1.+z)*(l-1.)
delbh = pow(alphpi,2.)*(1./2.)*pow((l-1.),2.)*((1.+z)*(3.*math.log(z)-4.*math.log(1.-z))-(4./(1.-z))*math.log(z)-5.-z)
rad = beta*pow((1.-z),beta-1.)*delvs+del1h+delbh
rad *=fac2
return rad
# Breit-Widgner distribution
def bw(s, s0, g2, m2):
return s0*(s*g2)/(pow(s-m2,2)+m2*g2)
def bw2(x,pars):
return bw(pow(x,2),pars[0],pow(pars[1],2),pow(pars[2],2))
def integrand2(x, p0, p1, p2, p3):
integrand = bw(x*p0,p1,p2,p3)
integrand *= radcorr(x,p0)
return integrand
def convolution(s,s0,g2,m2):
print("s too small")
return -1
result, error = quad(integrand2, zmin,zmax, args=(s,s0,g2,m2), epsrel=1e-6)
return result
def convolution2(x, sigma, gamma, mass):
y_est = []
for xp in x:
y_est.append(convolution(pow(xp,2), sigma, pow(gamma,2), pow(mass,2)))
return y_est
from iminuit import Minuit
#now we want to perform a fit for hadrons
#we have three energy-points
#here you need to declare the energy-vs-cross section and the errors from your estimation
x= [89.48,91.33,93.03]
y= [sigma_hadron_89[0],sigma_hadron_91[0],sigma_hadron_93[0]] # These values are of course example guess values, replace them with your own
ex= [0.,0.,0.]
ey= [sigma_hadron_89[1],sigma_hadron_91[1],sigma_hadron_93[1]] # These error values should also be replaced
def chi_squared(sigma, gamma, mass):
expectation = np.array(convolution2(x, sigma, gamma, mass))
return np.sum((expectation-np.array(y))**2/np.array(ey))
minuit = Minuit(chi_squared, sigma=70., gamma=5., mass=91.)
fit_parameters = np.array([minuit.values[0], minuit.values[1], minuit.values[2]])
errors = np.array([minuit.errors[0], minuit.errors[1], minuit.errors[2]])
# Make a plot of the best fit values in comparison to measurements
plt.errorbar(x, y, xerr=ex, yerr=ey, fmt="o", label="LEP Measurements")
# Evaluate our fitted function at lots of values of energy to make a line
# then draw it on top of the points
fit_x = np.linspace(80,100,100)
plt.plot(fit_x, convolution2(fit_x, *fit_parameters), color="black", linestyle="dashed", label="BW Fit")
plt.plot(fit_x, bw2(fit_x, (fit_parameters[0], fit_parameters[1], fit_parameters[2])),
color="red", linestyle="dotted", label="BW Fit (no correction)")
plt.xlabel("Energy (GeV)", weight="bold")
plt.ylabel("Cross section (nb)", weight="bold")
sigma_hadron_fit, gamma_hadron_fit, mass_hadron_fit = fit_parameters
sigma_hadron_fit_error, gamma_hadron_fit_error, mass_hadron_fit_error = errors
chisq = chi_squared(sigma_hadron_fit, np.abs(gamma_hadron_fit), mass_hadron_fit)
/home/santi/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ IMinuitWarning: errordef not set, using 1 (appropriate for least-squares)
┌──────────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────┐ │ FCN = 0.0001014 │ Nfcn = 324 │ │ EDM = 0.000102 (Goal: 0.1) │ │ ├───────────────┬──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │ Valid Minimum │ Valid Parameters │ No Parameters at limit │ ├───────────────┴──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │ Below EDM threshold (goal x 10) │ Below call limit │ ├───────────────┬──────────────────┼───────────┬─────────────┬────────────┤ │ Covariance │ Hesse ok │ Accurate │ Pos. def. │ Not forced │ └───────────────┴──────────────────┴───────────┴─────────────┴────────────┘ ┌───┬───────┬───────────┬───────────┬────────────┬────────────┬─────────┬─────────┬───────┐ │ │ Name │ Value │ Hesse Err │ Minos Err- │ Minos Err+ │ Limit- │ Limit+ │ Fixed │ ├───┼───────┼───────────┼───────────┼────────────┼────────────┼─────────┼─────────┼───────┤ │ 0 │ sigma │ 36.9 │ 0.6 │ -0.6 │ 0.6 │ │ │ │ │ 1 │ gamma │ 2.59 │ 0.07 │ -0.07 │ 0.07 │ │ │ │ │ 2 │ mass │ 91.20 │ 0.04 │ -0.04 │ 0.04 │ │ │ │ └───┴───────┴───────────┴───────────┴────────────┴────────────┴─────────┴─────────┴───────┘ Chi^2= 0.00010143829183613398
# A simple function to convert our covariance matrix into a correlation matrix
def correlation_from_covariance(covariance):
errors = np.sqrt(np.diag(covariance))
outer_errors = np.outer(errors, errors)
correlation = covariance / outer_errors
correlation[covariance == 0] = 0
return correlation
#correlation_matrix = correlation_from_covariance(cov_matrix)
def breit_wiegner_fit(y,ex,ey,sigma,gamma,mass):
#now we want to perform a fit for muons, try to implement it by yourself
#we have three energy-points
x= [89.48,91.33,93.03]
minuit = Minuit(chi_squared, sigma, gamma, mass)
fit_parameters = np.array([minuit.values[0], minuit.values[1], minuit.values[2]])
errors = np.array([minuit.errors[0], minuit.errors[1], minuit.errors[2]])
# Make a plot of the best fit values in comparison to measurements
plt.errorbar(x, y, xerr=ex, yerr=ey, fmt="o", label="LEP Measurements")
# Evaluate our fitted function at lots of values of energy to make a line
# then draw it on top of the points
fit_x = np.linspace(80,100,100)
plt.plot(fit_x, convolution2(fit_x, *fit_parameters), color="black", linestyle="dashed", label="BW Fit")
plt.plot(fit_x, bw2(fit_x, (fit_parameters[0], fit_parameters[1], fit_parameters[2])),
color="red", linestyle="dotted", label="BW Fit (no correction)")
plt.xlabel("Energy (GeV)", weight="bold")
plt.ylabel("Cross section (nb)", weight="bold")
sigma_muon_fit, gamma_muon_fit, mass_muon_fit = fit_parameters
sigma_muon_fit_error, gamma_muon_fit_error, mass_muon_fit_error = errors
sigma_ret = [sigma_muon_fit,sigma_muon_fit_error]
gamma_ret = [gamma_muon_fit,gamma_muon_fit_error]
mass_ret = [mass_muon_fit,mass_muon_fit_error]
chisq = chi_squared(sigma_muon_fit, gamma_muon_fit, mass_muon_fit)
return sigma_ret,gamma_ret,mass_ret
#we also want to see how the breit-wigner would look for muons
y= [sigma_mu_89[0],sigma_mu_91[0],sigma_mu_93[0]] # These values are of course example guess values, replace them with your own
ex= [0.,0.,0.]
ey= [sigma_mu_89[1],sigma_mu_91[1],sigma_mu_93[1]]
sigma = 70
gamma = 5
mass = 92
sigma,gamma,mass = breit_wiegner_fit(y,ex,ey,sigma,gamma,mass)
/home/santi/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ IMinuitWarning: errordef not set, using 1 (appropriate for least-squares) import sys /home/santi/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ IntegrationWarning: The algorithm does not converge. Roundoff error is detected in the extrapolation table. It is assumed that the requested tolerance cannot be achieved, and that the returned result (if full_output = 1) is the best which can be obtained.
┌──────────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────┐ │ FCN = 2.111e-06 │ Nfcn = 1679 │ │ EDM = 2.11e-06 (Goal: 0.1) │ │ ├───────────────┬──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │ Valid Minimum │ Valid Parameters │ No Parameters at limit │ ├───────────────┴──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │ Below EDM threshold (goal x 10) │ Below call limit │ ├───────────────┬──────────────────┼───────────┬─────────────┬────────────┤ │ Covariance │ Hesse ok │ Accurate │ Pos. def. │ Not forced │ └───────────────┴──────────────────┴───────────┴─────────────┴────────────┘ ┌───┬───────┬───────────┬───────────┬────────────┬────────────┬─────────┬─────────┬───────┐ │ │ Name │ Value │ Hesse Err │ Minos Err- │ Minos Err+ │ Limit- │ Limit+ │ Fixed │ ├───┼───────┼───────────┼───────────┼────────────┼────────────┼─────────┼─────────┼───────┤ │ 0 │ sigma │ 1.5 │ 0.7 │ -0.5 │ 0.7 │ │ │ │ │ 1 │ gamma │ 2.3 │ 1.4 │ -6.4 │ 1.8 │ │ │ │ │ 2 │ mass │ 91.0 │ 0.8 │ -0.8 │ 0.7 │ │ │ │ └───┴───────┴───────────┴───────────┴────────────┴────────────┴─────────┴─────────┴───────┘ Chi^2= 2.1106581644757765e-06
#def muon_electron_partial_width(sigma_0,gamma_z,mass_z):
# sigma_not_0 = sigma_0[0]*2.576e-6
# return mass_z[0]*gamma_z[0]*np.sqrt(sigma_not_0/(12*np.pi))
def partial_width_e(T_z, M_z, sigma_0):
part_width = np.sqrt((sigma_0*1e-6*2.576)/(12*np.pi))*T_z*M_z
return part_width
def muon_insecurities_partial_width(sigma,TZ,MZ, u_TZ, u_MZ, u_sigma): # I think you mean uncertainties.... have more self confidence partial width!
u_part_sigma = MZ*TZ*np.sqrt(1/(12*np.pi*sigma))*u_sigma/2 *np.sqrt(2.576e-6)
u_part_TZ = MZ*np.sqrt(sigma*2.576e-6/(12*np.pi))*u_TZ
u_part_MZ = TZ*np.sqrt(sigma*2.576e-6/(12*np.pi))*u_MZ
u_partial_width_e = np.sqrt(u_part_sigma**2+u_part_MZ**2+u_part_TZ**2)
return u_partial_width_e
#compute the insecurities
#compute the partial width of the electrons using the maximum muon cross section and lepton universality
#compute the partial width of the neutrino
# Gam_nye =GF MZ^3/24sqrt2pi [1+(1-4|Q|sin^2theta)]
def Gam_nye(m_z,m_zerr):
val = 2*1.166e-5*m_z**3/(24*np.sqrt(2)*np.pi)
err = np.sqrt((6*1.166e-5*m_z**2/(24*np.sqrt(2)*np.pi))**2*m_zerr**2)
return [val, err]
gamma_nye = Gam_nye(mass_hadron_fit,mass_hadron_fit_error)
[0.16590490611587655, 0.00020808011339244235]
# partial width of the electrons using the maximum hadron cross section and the total width
def hadron_electron_partial_width(M_z,sigma_0,Gam_Z,Gam_nye):
a = Gam_Z[0]/3-Gam_nye[0]
b = M_z[0]**2*sigma_0[0]*2.576e-6*Gam_Z[0]**2/(36*np.pi)
val = 1/2*(a-np.sqrt(a**2-4*b))
sq = np.sqrt(1/4*a**2-4*b)
err_Z = 1/6-(1/6*a-2*M_z[0]**2*sigma_0[0]*Gam_Z[0]/(9*np.pi))/(2*sq)
err_N = a/(4*sq)-1/2
err_M = M_z[0]*sigma_0[0]*Gam_Z[0]**2/(9*np.pi*sq)
err_s = M_z[0]**2*Gam_Z[0]**2/(18*np.pi*sq)
#err = np.sqrt((err_Z*Gam_Z[1])**2+(err_n*Gam_nye[1])**2+(err_M*M_z[1])**2+(err_s*sigma_0[1]))
return val,err
mass = [mass_hadron_fit,mass_hadron_fit_error]
sigma = [sigma_hadron_fit,sigma_hadron_fit_error]
gamma = [gamma_hadron_fit,gamma_hadron_fit_error]
0.1742263218893954 0.18755024867763104 nan nan nan nan nan 0.0754477302936648 0.013333478128579938
/home/santi/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt import sys
(0.0754477302936648, 0.013333478128579938)
# calculate Weinberg angle
def theta_w(Gam_f,M_z,Q_f=-1):
G_f = 1.166e-5
a = G_f*M_z**3/(24*np.sqrt(2)*np.pi)
theta_1 = (1+np.sqrt(Gam_f/a-1))/(4*np.abs(Q_f))
theta_2 = (1-np.sqrt(Gam_f/a-1))/(4*np.abs(Q_f))
return theta_1,theta_2
(0.2767397721769793, 0.2232602278230207)
G_f = 1.166*1e-5
def T_quark(Q, M_Z):
Weinberg_Faktor = 1+(1-4*np.abs(Q)*0.22)**2
T = G_f*(M_Z**3)/(24*np.pi*np.sqrt(2))*Weinberg_Faktor
return T
td = T_quark(1/3, 91.2) #down quark
tu = T_quark(2/3, 91.2) #up quark
def NC(T_Hadr):
K = 1.03
NCol = T_Hadr/(K*(2*tu+3*td))
return NCol